Monday, March 11, 2013

Why Me ?!

So I must say that was the best picture of my little brother I have ever seen, besides when we were little boys of course. Also he can never make fun of my cheeks again. :) I love my little brother. It is amazing to see him in that way and I almost can't believe its real. I am definitely proud of him though and I hope we see some pictures of him and his trainer soon. Work hard little brother!

So first things first. I am getting transferred. I will be leaving Wallace tomorrow morning and I am not one bit happy about it. Yeah change can be fun, but I love this area and the people and I just didn't get the amount of time I wanted here. I have so many things I have started that I have to let by boy finish. I am doing my best to recognize the hand of the Lord in this and realize everything happens for a reason. Unfortunately that probably won't happen until I am in my new area. I am not nervous to leave or who my next companion will be, I am just sad I am leaving Wallace. I do feel really good about the work I got done here though and how much I was able to make a difference in this branch. Now my boy and his new companion have to keep the momentum going from here. I pray it keeps picking up for them. There has been a huge change in this area, especially in the branch members. I hope to do better in my next area. Well that is where I am at for now. 

I am super excited to hear how the next SS class goes. The Book of Mormon is my favorite topic. There is nothing that book can't do when it comes to bringing us closer to Christ. I could go on forever on that book. Most of what I would say though can be summarized in the fifth chapter of PMG. I sure hope those kids can find some sort of passion for that book after your class. We all have to read it over and over. Nothing should keep us from it. I am extremely glad to know I have figured that out and also learned the why behind it.
Dad, I would have loved to have been in that meeting. I am also excited to hear how your lesson goes and what videos you use. Let me know if there is anything I can do to help out. I love y'all very much and I guess I'll be writing from another place next week so be ready. :) Well I hope life is treating y'all well. Keep up the good work and remember I'm praying for you.

Con Amor,
Elder Burnham

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